The History of Russia begins around 1200s BC, with the arrival Cimmmerians , normads of Indo-European origin, in what is today called Ukraine. They were defeated by the Scythians, an Iranian tribe.In 200 BC, the Scythians were conquered by the Samaritans bringing Greek and Roman influence that would continue for many centuries.
In the 800s, the Eastern Slaves were settled in different regions in Russia. The Slavs were an ethnic group that eventually split into the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians.
In 862 , Rurik, a Varangian prince ruled the region which became known as the Land of the Rus. Around 1200, Russia was conquered by the Mongols led by Genghis Khan.
In 1480, Ivan lll freed Russia from the Mongols. In 1547, Ivan lV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, became the first Tsar. In the 18th century, the principality of Muscovy had become the huge Russian Empire, Stretching from Poland eastward to the Pacific Ocean.
Successive régimes of the 19th century responded to such pressures with a combination of half- hearted reform and repression. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861. In 1898, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was established by the Marxists.
In 1903, Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks. In the World War I, the Russians fought the Germans and Austrians. But, in 1917, the revolutionaries overthrew the Russian government.
The next year, Czar Nicholas Il and his family were murdered, and Russia became the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic which eventually formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic ( USSAR ).
Russia has existed as a state for over a thousand years, during most of the 20th century Russia was the core of the Soviet Union.
Russia lost its superpower status as it faced serious challenges in its efforts to forge a new post-soviet political and economic system. Russia today shares much continuity of political culture and social structure with its Tsarist and Soviet past.
“ Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́ ”
— Russian Proverb
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