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Showing posts with label Atomic Bomb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atomic Bomb. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Brief History of The Sun.

The Sun:

The Sun is the star at the centre of our solar system. Its gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything from the - biggest planets to the smallest bits of debris - in its orbit.

Heat and light are produced by nuclear events that occur deep beneath. In order to produce this energy, The Sun has been using four million tonnes of hydrogen fuel each second since its formation, or around 4.6 billion years ago.

Solar Flares:

A solar flare is a massive eruption that occurs on the Sun when energy that has been trapped in "twisted" magnetic fields- which are typically found above sunspots, Chromosphere -is suddenly released.

They may heat materials to millions of degrees in a matter of minutes, resulting in a burst of radiation that includes: radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Sun Spots:

Sunspots are areas where the magnetic field is about 2,500 times stronger than Earth's, much higher than anywhere else on the Sun. Because of the strong magnetic field, the magnetic pressure increases while the surrounding atmospheric pressure decreases.

This in turn lowers the temperature relative to its surroundings because the concentrated magnetic field inhibits the flow of hot, new gas from the Sun's interior to the surface.

Sunspots tends to occur in pairs that have magnetic fields pointing in opposite directions.

Why Sun Spots are Dark?

The sunspots are large concentrations of strong magnetic field. Some energy is partially prevented from passing through the surface by this magnetic field.

As a result, sunspots experience a lower surface temperature than other areas of the surface. It appears darker when the temperature is lower.

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs):

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the sun's atmosphere the corona.

Compared to solar flares bursts of electromagnetic radiation that travel at the speed of light, reaching Earth in just over 8 minutes.

Formation of CMEs:

The more explosive CMES generally begin when highly twisted magnetic field structures (flux ropes) contained in the Sun's lower corona become too stressed and realign into a less tense configuration - a process called magnetic reconnection.

Near Earth CMEs Effects:


The CMEs causes stunning light displays known as auroras, visible in the polar regions of the earth.

Geomagnetic Storms:

CMEs can cause significant disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere, leading to geomagnetic storms which are; Satellite Operations, Power Grids, Communication Systems.

Radiation Hazards:

It Increases radiation levels at high altitudes, especially near the poles.

Preventing & Monitoring:


To provide early alerts of possible CMEs, organisations such as NASA and NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Centre (SWPC) track solar activity.


Continuous monitoring and improved prediction models are essential to prevent the bad impacts of CMEs.

How to Find the Sun Spots Area:

To find the area of sunspots, I use the manual formula to calculate the area of the sunspots.

As = ((Af x n) / cos (B) x cos (L))


As - Area of the sunspot,

Af - Area factor constant for the solar chart image (i.e., 63.66),

n - Number of grid sares occupying the sunspot,

B- Heliographic latitude,

L - Angular distance of the sunspot from the solar disk centre.

The physical unit for the calculated area is a millionth of a hemisphere (MHS). 

Solar Cycle:

About every 11 years, the Sun's magnetic field gradually changes polarity, a process known as the solar cycle. This reversal causes changes in solar activity.

The solar cycle has been observed and recorded since the mid-18th century, with the current cycle being Solar Cycle 25. 

 "Sun, in fact, is the center of the universe" -Nicolaus Copernicus. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Discovery of Radium.

Discovery of Radium:

Radium is one the of the few elements that constantly emit invisible radiations. Such elements are called radioactive elements and the radiations they emits are called "radioactive" rays.

Radium Metal

 There are three types of radioactive rays-alpha, beta and gamma. Radium, due to the emission of the radioactive rays, disintegrates and finally gets converted into lead. Half of this radioactive element gets converted into lead in 1622 years. 

This is called the 'half life' of the radioactive element. In the next 1622 years, half of the remaining substance decays into lead. This process continues indefinitely. The radioactive rays are so powerful that they can pass through different kinds of substances including the human body. These rays are very useful in the treatment of cancer. Do you know who discovered radium?

Marie Curie 

All the credit of the discovery of radium goes to a married couple, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie. The story of its discovery is very interesting.

In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. He found that the uranium emits a kind of invisible radiations which are even more powerful than the X-rays. Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, in 1898, also found that thorium also emits similar radiations. They also thought that pitchblende, which is the ore of uranium, must contain some other radioactive substance too. 

 They started refining pitchblende in order to obtain the new radioactive element. They had to work in a tin-shed because they could not afford a proper laboratory on account of limited means. Without caring for rains and storms, they worked day and night Finally, they succeeded in extracting 100 milligrams of radium from several tons of pitchblende. They found that this new element was much more powerful than uranium.

Pure radium is white in colour. It is quite heavy and thousands of times costlier than gold. The quantity of pure radium available in the world is very small. Radioactive rays are very harmful to the body. If handled carelessly its radioactive rays can wound the body. So be careful guys. 

"Nuclear Power Is One Hell Of A Way To Boil Water" - Albert Einstein.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Four Fundamental Forces in Physics.

 The Four Fundamental Forces in Physics.

There are four fundamental forces in physics:

They are Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong Nuclear and Weak Nuclear forces.

The Four Fundamental Forces in Physics.

Gravitational Force:

Gravitational force is a force between two masses and it is universal in nature. Our planets are bound to the sun through gravitational force of the sun. We are in the earth because of Earth's gravitational attraction on our body.

Electromagnetic Force:

Electromagnetic force is a force between two charges, and We are standing on the earth's surface because of the Electromagnetic force between atoms of the surface of the earth with atoms in our feet.

Strong Nuclear Force:

The force between two nucleons, there exists a strong nuclear force and this force is responsible for stability of nucleus. Strong Nuclear force holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. The atoms in our body are stable is due to strong nuclear force. 

Weak Nuclear Force:

Weak force is even shorter in the range than the strong nuclear force. During the fusion of hydrogen into helium in the sun, neutrinos and enormous radiations are produced through weak force.

" A Physicist is just an atom's way of looking itself " 

                   --Niels Bohr-- 

Rutherford's Alpha Particles Scattered with Scattering Angle

 Rutherford's Alpha Particles Scattered with Scattering Angle.

In 1911, Geiger and Marsden did the experiment based on the Rutherford's scattering alpha particles by gold foil.

A source of Alpha particles are kept inside a thick lead box with with a hole. The alpha particles coming through the hole made of lead box pass through another hole made on the lead screen. These particles are now allowed to fall on a thin gold foil and it is observed that the alpha particles passing through gold foil are scattered through different angles. A movable screen (from 0° to 180°) which is made up of zinc sulphide (ZnS) is kept on the other side of the gold foil to collect the scattered alpha particles. Whenever alpha particles strike the screen, a flash of light is observed which can be seen through a microscope. 

Rutherford's Alpha Particles Scattered with Scattering Angle 

Rutherford proposed an atom model based on the results of the alpha scattering experiment. In this experiment alpha particles were allowed to fall on the atoms of a metallic gold foil.

(a) Most of the alpha particles were un-deflected through the gold foil and went straight.

(b) Some of the alpha particles were deflected through a small angle.

(c) A few alpha particles (one in thousand) were deflected through the angle more than 90°.

(d) Very few alpha particles returned back (back scattered) - that is, deflected back by 180°.

" An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid. " 

                                          ---Ernest Rutherford--- 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Short Story Of Atomic Bomb with Oppenheimer. { Manhattan Project }

 💣  Scientist of the Manhattan Project complete the Atomic Bomb destined to end World War - II :     

In the Movie Oppenheimer shows the Atomic Bomb Explosion.
 ( By Director "Christopher Nolan" ).   

💣  During World War the United States used an unprecedented $2 billion to feed an ultra-secret research and development program, the outcome of which would alter the relationships of nations forever Known as the Manhattan Project, it was the search by the United States and her closest allies to create a practical atomic bomb: a single device capable of mass destruction, the threat of which alone could be powerful enough to end the war.   

" Trinity Test " Atomic Bomb explosion effect.

💣  The motivation was simple. Scientists escaping the Nazi regime had revealed that research in Germany had confirmed the theoretical viability of atomic bombs in 1939, in support of their fears that the Nazis might now be developing such a weapon, Albert Einstein and others wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) warning of the need for atomic research By 1941 FDR had authorized formal, coordinated scientific research into such a device. Among those whose efforts would ultimately unleash the power of the atom was Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), who was appointed the project's scientific director in 1942. Under his direction the famous laboratories at Los Alamos would be constructed and the scientific team assembled.  

Albert Einstein And Robert Oppenheimer ( 1947).

Robert Oppenheimer in Manhattan Project {Theoretical Physicist}.

💣  An atomic bomb initiates a nuclear chain reaction, thereby releasing truly vast amounts of energy. An initial problem was the production of enough "enriched" uranium to sustain such a reaction Instrumental in the solution was Italian physicist " Enrico Fermi "in a former squash court under Chicago University, he and other scientists created the first ever controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. The project ultimately created the first, man-made nuclear explosion, which Oppenheimer called " Trinity ", at Alamagordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945...  


Mushroom like Structure of the Atomic Bomb Blast, Trinity Test, Alamagordo, New Mexico,on July 16, 1945{ Manhattan Project } By Oppenheimer.   

 💥  " The Atomic Bomb Made The Prospect Of Future War Unendurable. It Had Led Us Up Those Last Few Steps To The Mountain Pass; And Beyond There Is A Different Country. "

                                      ———— J. Robert Oppenheimer. ———— 💣       

Why Light Bends by Gravity?

Introduction to General Relativity: The Equivalence Principle Einstein's theory of General Relativity builds on the Equivalence Principl...