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Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The mysteries behind the extinction of dinosaurs: A voyage through time.

Introduction: The Jurassic World: 

                        The extinction of the dinosaurs remains a deep mystery. This historical voyage looks into the interesting subject of the dinosaur extinction, uncovering fascinating information and a wealth of archaeological evidence related to the mysterious extinction of these amazing species. 

Dinosaurs in Jurassic Period. 

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs:

During the Mesozoic Era, dinosaurs first appeared and ruled the earth for millions of years. They changed over time, becoming anything from the massive Brachiosaurus to the speedy Velociraptor. They evolved in many habitats throughout thousands of years, affecting the path of evolution. 

But disaster came at the end of the Jurassic Period, some 66 million years ago. A fatal extinction caused by a terrible disaster eliminated many other species in addition to dinosaurs. The change that occurred between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras was signalled by this event, which also cleared the way for the creation of mammals.

Theories of Extinction:

Among the many ideas that explain why dinosaurs became extinct, two have received a lot of attention.

Asteroid Impact: 

                            The most well-known idea suggests that Earth was struck by a huge asteroid or comet that caused widespread destruction. Massive amounts of energy would have been released by this impact, resulting in the destabilisation of the food chain, wildfires, tsunamis, and a nuclear winter-like state as dust and debris blanketed the sky and blocked sunlight.

Volcanic Activity: 

                            Another convincing argument argues that the extinction of dinosaurs was mostly caused by volcanic eruptions, especially those of the Deccan Traps in modern-day India. Large amounts of greenhouse gases would have been emitted during these eruptions, causing environmental disturbance and climate change.

                           Scientists are still deeply divided about the exact order of events and how they contributed to the extinction disasters.

Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) went extinct around 65 million years ago.

Curious Archaeological Finds:

Secrets into the past are provided by archaeological finds, such as fossilised bones and geological data that provide light on the mystery surrounding the demise of the dinosaurs.

 Chicxulub Crater: 

                              Buried beneath Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, the Chicxulub crater is one of the most significant pieces of evidence in support of the asteroid impact idea. This massive crater, which is over 180 km in diameter and was discovered in the 1970s, is dated to around 66 million years ago, which matches with the period of the extinction disasters.

Fossil Record:

                            The record of fossils documents the wide range of dinosaur species that once roamed the earth, providing an understanding of life before to the extinction disasters. By analysing these fossils, one may learn more about the anatomy, behaviour, and ecological functions of these prehistoric beings and get insight into their environment.

Asteroid impact, Volcanic activity are the causes that how Dinosaurs are extinction.

Geochemical study: 

                                Exceptions related to asteroid impacts and volcanic activity in the late Cretaceous have been found by geochemical study of sediment layers. The trace elements and geochemical traces provide important hints regarding the environmental conditions and probably catastrophic events that led to the extinction disasters. 

Conclusion: Solving the Mystery:

Scientists are still fascinated by the mysterious surrounding the eventual extinction of dinosaurs, which motivates investigation and study. Although hypotheses such as volcanic activity and asteroid impact theories exist, the actual origin is still unknown. Each archaeological find that reveals more about Earth's past helps us to solve this puzzle and highlights the strength and danger of life on our planet... 

“All the explanations proposed seem to be only partly satisfactory. They range from massive climatic change to mammalian predation to the extinction of a plant with apparent laxative properties, in which case the dinosaurs died of constipation.” 


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Napoléon Bonaparte: Un voyage de victoire et de poursuite.

Les exploits extraordinaires et l'ascension rapide au pouvoir du grand homme politique et tacticien militaire Napoléon Bonaparte ont laissé une impression durable dans l'histoire. Napoléon, né en Corse le 15 août 1769, est sorti d'une relative obscurité pour devenir l'un des personnages les plus marquants de l'histoire européenne. Ce blog explorera l'étonnant récit de la vie de Napoléon, le suivant depuis son petit enfant corse jusqu'à l'empereur français. 

Le passé instable de la Corse et l'impact de ses ancêtres italiens ont façonné les premières années de Napoléon là-bas. Napoléon fut poussé à devenir un grand homme par la mort prématurée de son père et l'annexion de l'île à la France. À neuf ans, il se lance dans une aventure qui marquera sa vie : quitter la Corse et se rendre en France métropolitaine.

Napoléon Bonaparte.

Le succès futur de Napoléon fut pavé de sa formation militaire à l'Ecole Militaire de Paris. Même s'il était issu d'une éducation modeste, son génie et sa ruse le distinguaient immédiatement des autres. 

Napoléon a eu l’occasion idéale de gravir les échelons de l’establishment militaire et politique lors de la Révolution française de 1789. Ses compétences militaires ont été démontrées par ses victoires en Égypte et en Italie, qui lui ont valu non seulement une notoriété mais aussi une influence politique.

L'événement crucial s'est produit en 1799 lorsque Napoléon a mené un coup d'État, renversant le gouvernement français et assumant le poste de Premier Consul. Ce fut le début de la consolidation de son pouvoir, qui aboutit finalement à la déclaration de l'Empire français en 1804. 

Les exploits militaires de Napoléon sont légendaires. Il fut le plus grand tacticien et stratège de tous les temps, remportant à la fois la bataille d'Austerlitz et la conquête de la péninsule ibérique. Le génie administratif de Napoléon a été démontré par le Code Napoléon, un code juridique complet et la restructuration des gouvernements européens.

Cependant, avec la terrible invasion de la Russie en 1812, les choses ont commencé à changer. L'effondrement de Napoléon a commencé lorsque la Grande Armée a subi un coup dur en raison du rude hiver et des difficultés logistiques. 

La chute de Napoléon a commencé avec la bataille de Leipzig en 1813 et l'invasion de la France par la Sixième Coalition. Il abdiqua en 1814 et fut envoyé à l'île d'Elbe. Il réussit néanmoins sa fuite malheureuse et rentre en France au cours des Cent Jours de 1815.

Le destin de Napoléon fut scellé lors de la bataille cruciale de Waterloo, et il fut de nouveau emprisonné, cette fois sur l'île isolée de Sainte-Hélène, dans l'Atlantique Sud. Il y a vécu ses dernières années, en repensant à son incroyable voyage et à l'impact qu'il a laissé derrière lui. 

La vie de Napoléon Bonaparte est une histoire fascinante d'aspirations, de réussites et d'échecs éventuels. Son influence sur le développement de l’histoire européenne est immense et son héritage fait encore l’objet de recherches et de discussions aujourd’hui. Napoléon Bonaparte, critiqué pour son leadership autocratique et loué pour ses prouesses militaires, continue d'être un personnage important dans l'histoire de l'humanité et un symbole des difficultés liées à l'accès au pouvoir et au désir...

L'histoire est un ensemble de mensonges convenus.

Monday, November 13, 2023

History of Cinema: Beyond Screens.

Cinema is the most widely acclaimed means of entertainment in the world today. It is a combination of various equipments, techniques and art which constitutes cinema. But the most important things needed to experience cinema are camera, film reel and a projector. "Wheel of life' or 'zoopraxiscope' was the first machine to show animated pictures. It was patented in 1867 by William Lincoln. In a zoopraxiscope, moving photographs were watched through a slit. 


"The cinema is an invention without a future." - Louis Lumière. The Lumiere brothers-Auguste and Louise - are credited for inventing the first motion picture camera in the year, 1895. But even prior to Lumiere brothers, many others had made similar inventions. Lumiere brothers  invented a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and a projector called the Cinematographe. Here, three functions were covered in one invention. 

Lumiere Brothers


The first footage shot by Lumiere brothers was that of workers leaving the Lumiere factory.

Cinematographe or Cinematography brought a revolutionary change in the world of cinema and made motion pictures popular. Though, prior in 1891, the Edison Company came up with a kinetoscope which allowed to watch cinema one person at a time, Edison's vitascope (1896) was the first commercially successful projector in USA. 


A camera shoots an activity on a film roll, also known as a film negative. This film negative is then edited. An editor removes away unnecessary scenes by cutting away that portion of the film role. Then the edited film roll is processed in a lab with required effects. The final film footage is then mounted on a projector. A projector is a device which projects the film running on the film roll on a blank white screen with the help of light. There are two pulleys on a projector. The film reel is mounted on the first projector and is run through the first to the second projector with the help of a motor. 

Advertising of Edson's  Vitascope

The film reel passes between a magnifying lens and a light bulb. The lens increases the size of the image on the blank white screen.

Cinematography is an art form unique to motion pictures. Although the exposing of images on light-sensitive elements dates back to the early 19th century, motion pictures demanded a new form of photography and new aesthetic techniques. In the infancy of motion pictures, the cinematographer was usually also the director and the person physically handling the camera. As the art form and technology evolved, a separation between the director and the camera operator emerged. With the advent of artificial lighting and faster (more light sensitive) film stocks, in addition to technological advancements in optics and new techniques such as colour film and widescreen, the technical aspects of cinematography necessitated a specialist in that area. 

It was a key during the silent movie era no sound apart from background music, no dialogue the films depended on lighting, acting and set. 

In 1919, in Hollywood, the new motion picture capital of the world, one of the first (and still existing) trade societies was formed: the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC), which stood to recognise the cinematographer's contribution to the art and science of motion picture making. 

Films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Viewers perceive motion due to a psychological effect called the beta movement. 
A Film Projector

CINEMA 4D is a 3D modelling, animation and rendering application developed by MAXON Computer GmbH of Friedrichsdorf, Germany. It is capable of procedural and polygonal/subd modelling, animating, lighting, texturing, rendering and common features found in 3d modelling applications.  


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Astronauts Living In Space.

 Astronauts Living In Space : 

A bed on the wall, baby wipes for a wash, footholds, and edible  toothpaste! Life on the space station is very different from life on earth.  


Life in Space Station. 

Ordinary Days :

                                             Astronauts need to do everything that you do. They eat, exercise, sleep, work, and play, but they have to do all these things in a home without the gravity

Astronaut Chris Hanfield in Space.


New Arrivals :

                                          When astronauts arrive at a space station, they bring supplies with them. Imagine trying to unpack your suitcase when you are floating. some astronauts suffer temporary hearing problems after living on a space station, this is because the necessary air filters, fans, and pumps make it very noisy.          

Keeping Healthy :

                                                   Astronaut's muscles don't work very hard in micro gravity, so they quickly lose strength, so astronauts exercise for about two hours a day. This athlete completed a marathon on the International Space Station treadmill.  


Astronaut on Treadmill.


Time for Work :

                                             Experienced scientists regularly jion the astronauts in the space station to carry out a variety of experiments and record the results.  


Astronaut in space station.

A Tasty Food :

                                          Food is supplied in sealed packets and some of it is dehydrated. That means that water has to be added before the food can be eaten.   

 Nutritional Food for Astronauts. 

Time for Bed :

                                Most of the crew use sleeping bags, which have to be strapped to the walls of the space station. The bag holds astronauts' arms in place. Otherwise they would float above their head.   

Bed for Astronauts.


They like to keep clean, like us !

                                                                                         Astronauts use combs and toothbrushes, and toothpaste. But the toothpaste doesn't froth, and gets swallowed. Wet wipes are useful for a speedy wash...  


Bathing in Space.

Showering in Space Station.

" Building One Space Station For Everyone Was And Is Insane: We Should Have Built A Dozen. "  

                                                                    ---Larry Niven.---           


Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Short Story Of Atomic Bomb with Oppenheimer. { Manhattan Project }

 💣  Scientist of the Manhattan Project complete the Atomic Bomb destined to end World War - II :     

In the Movie Oppenheimer shows the Atomic Bomb Explosion.
 ( By Director "Christopher Nolan" ).   

💣  During World War the United States used an unprecedented $2 billion to feed an ultra-secret research and development program, the outcome of which would alter the relationships of nations forever Known as the Manhattan Project, it was the search by the United States and her closest allies to create a practical atomic bomb: a single device capable of mass destruction, the threat of which alone could be powerful enough to end the war.   

" Trinity Test " Atomic Bomb explosion effect.

💣  The motivation was simple. Scientists escaping the Nazi regime had revealed that research in Germany had confirmed the theoretical viability of atomic bombs in 1939, in support of their fears that the Nazis might now be developing such a weapon, Albert Einstein and others wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) warning of the need for atomic research By 1941 FDR had authorized formal, coordinated scientific research into such a device. Among those whose efforts would ultimately unleash the power of the atom was Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), who was appointed the project's scientific director in 1942. Under his direction the famous laboratories at Los Alamos would be constructed and the scientific team assembled.  

Albert Einstein And Robert Oppenheimer ( 1947).

Robert Oppenheimer in Manhattan Project {Theoretical Physicist}.

💣  An atomic bomb initiates a nuclear chain reaction, thereby releasing truly vast amounts of energy. An initial problem was the production of enough "enriched" uranium to sustain such a reaction Instrumental in the solution was Italian physicist " Enrico Fermi "in a former squash court under Chicago University, he and other scientists created the first ever controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. The project ultimately created the first, man-made nuclear explosion, which Oppenheimer called " Trinity ", at Alamagordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945...  


Mushroom like Structure of the Atomic Bomb Blast, Trinity Test, Alamagordo, New Mexico,on July 16, 1945{ Manhattan Project } By Oppenheimer.   

 💥  " The Atomic Bomb Made The Prospect Of Future War Unendurable. It Had Led Us Up Those Last Few Steps To The Mountain Pass; And Beyond There Is A Different Country. "

                                      ———— J. Robert Oppenheimer. ———— 💣       

Why Light Bends by Gravity?

Introduction to General Relativity: The Equivalence Principle Einstein's theory of General Relativity builds on the Equivalence Principl...