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Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2023

Short Story of Moon Landing 1969. ( was it conspiracy, theories.)

 Men On The Moon:

🌕  On 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Surface of the moon. He was joined by Buzz Aldrin. A third astronaut, Mike Collins, remained in orbit with the command and service modules.

Neil Armstrong on the Moon.

🌕  What was it Like:

                                     Buzz Aldrin described the moon's Surface as like nothing on Earth. He said it consists of a fine, talcum - powder - like dust, strewn with pebbles and rocks.


Surface of the Moon in Apollo 11 mission.


                                     Why is there no blue sky on the moon?   — Because the Moon has no atmosphere.

🌕   What did they do there: 

                                        Armstrong and Aldrin spent almost 22 hours on the moon. About 2.5 hours of this was spent outside the Eagle, collecting rock and soil samples, setting up experiments, and taking pictures.

The Lunar module was nicknamed as the Eagle.

🌕   How did they talk ? 

                                      There's no air in space, so sound has nothing to travel through. Lunar astronauts use radio equipment in their helmets.

🌕    Here comes Earth: 

                                 Instead of the moon rising, the astronaut saw Earth rising over the moon's horizon — it looked four times bigger than the moon looks from Earth.

Earth rising over the moon's Surface.

🌕    We have Transport  !

                                    Three later Apollo missions each carried a small electric car, a lunar rover, which allowed the astronauts to explore away from the lander. These were left on the moon when the astronaut left.

Transport over one lunar rover reached a top speed of 22km/h (13.5 mph). 

🌕    Splashdown to Earth:

                                      The astronaut returned to Earth in the Apollo 11 command module. This fell through the atmosphere and landed in the Pacific Ocean. A ringed float helped to keep it stable.

Apollo 11 mission command module landed in the Pacific Ocean.


                                             Sounds that so weird :  The lunar module computer on Apollo 11 had just 71 K of memory. Some calculators can now store more than 500 K of memory.        

" That's One Small Step for man, One Giant Leap for mankind. "

                                                             ———  Neil Armstrong  ———      

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Short Story Of Atomic Bomb with Oppenheimer. { Manhattan Project }

 ðŸ’£  Scientist of the Manhattan Project complete the Atomic Bomb destined to end World War - II :     

In the Movie Oppenheimer shows the Atomic Bomb Explosion.
 ( By Director "Christopher Nolan" ).   

💣  During World War the United States used an unprecedented $2 billion to feed an ultra-secret research and development program, the outcome of which would alter the relationships of nations forever Known as the Manhattan Project, it was the search by the United States and her closest allies to create a practical atomic bomb: a single device capable of mass destruction, the threat of which alone could be powerful enough to end the war.   

" Trinity Test " Atomic Bomb explosion effect.

💣  The motivation was simple. Scientists escaping the Nazi regime had revealed that research in Germany had confirmed the theoretical viability of atomic bombs in 1939, in support of their fears that the Nazis might now be developing such a weapon, Albert Einstein and others wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) warning of the need for atomic research By 1941 FDR had authorized formal, coordinated scientific research into such a device. Among those whose efforts would ultimately unleash the power of the atom was Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), who was appointed the project's scientific director in 1942. Under his direction the famous laboratories at Los Alamos would be constructed and the scientific team assembled.  

Albert Einstein And Robert Oppenheimer ( 1947).

Robert Oppenheimer in Manhattan Project {Theoretical Physicist}.

💣  An atomic bomb initiates a nuclear chain reaction, thereby releasing truly vast amounts of energy. An initial problem was the production of enough "enriched" uranium to sustain such a reaction Instrumental in the solution was Italian physicist " Enrico Fermi "in a former squash court under Chicago University, he and other scientists created the first ever controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. The project ultimately created the first, man-made nuclear explosion, which Oppenheimer called " Trinity ", at Alamagordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945...  


Mushroom like Structure of the Atomic Bomb Blast, Trinity Test, Alamagordo, New Mexico,on July 16, 1945{ Manhattan Project } By Oppenheimer.   

 ðŸ’¥  " The Atomic Bomb Made The Prospect Of Future War Unendurable. It Had Led Us Up Those Last Few Steps To The Mountain Pass; And Beyond There Is A Different Country. "

                                      ———— J. Robert Oppenheimer. ———— 💣       

Monday, June 12, 2023

History of the United States of America.

🇺🇸   The first residents of  what is  today the United States of America immigrated from Asia about 15,000 years ago by crossing Beringia into Alaska. The colonial history of the US began with the subsequent arrival of settlers from Europe.  

17-th Century Map of America.

🇺🇸   The Thirteen British Colonies that would became the original US states, were founded along the east coast beginning in 1607, and grew very rapidly thereafter. By the 1750s, they had achieved a very high standard of living. Men owned their own farms and could vote in elections for the colonial legislatures.

George Washington {1-st President of US}.

🇺🇸   However, the colonists did not have representation in the ruling British government and believed they were being denied their their constitutional rights as Englishmen. 

The First Design of US Flag { Grand Union Flag, 1776 }.

🇺🇸   The Thirteen Colonies began a rebellion against British rule in 1775. Each of the colonies ousted all royal officials and set up their own governments, which were coordinated out of Philadelphia by Continental Congress. 

Declaration of Independence by Founding Fathers of America (1776).

🇺🇸   In January 1776, a man by the name of  Thomas Paine wrote Pamphlet entitled “ Common Sense ”, in which he outlined the reasons that he felt it was time for the colonies to part company with Great Britain, and form their own independent nation. 

Thomas Paine { Author of Common Sense }.

🇺🇸   The Second Continental Congress charged Thomas Jefferson with the responsibility of writing a declaration of independence that would be sent to Great Britain.  

Thomas Jefferson (3-rd President of US).

🇺🇸   On July 4, 1776 this declaration was officially adopted by the Continental Congress. With the ratification of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, the United States of America became a nation state in 1781. These articles stated that each colony was to act as an independent state, and that each had the right to pass laws within their territories.  

American Civil War between the Union and Confederacy { 1861 - 1865 }.


🇺🇸   Only two people, John Hancock and Charles Thomson signed the declaration of Independence on July 4 1776.

Right side - John Hancock ; Left side - Charles Thomson. 

🇺🇸   This new nation was to be headed by a president, rather than a monarch. This President would be elected by the Legislature, which was in turn elected by the people. This type of government is known as a republic....

" America Will Never Be Destroyed From The Outside. If We Falter And Lose Our Freedoms, It Will Be Because We Destroyed Ourselves. 🇺🇸 "

                                  — Abraham Lincoln ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ (1809 - 1865)  

Thursday, June 1, 2023

History of Germany ( From West Germany to East Germany )

The people who lived in what is now Germany and Eastern Europe were Indo-Europeans, originally from the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Sometime between 3000 BC and 2000 BC, they had migrated gradually out of that area and all across Europe. The region became associated with the name Germany in the 1st Century BC, when the Romans conquered Gaul.

             18th Century Germany Map 

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Franks moved into France, but soon conquered Germany as well, so that by 800 AD Charlemagne was able to establish a German Holy Roman Empire that extended over France, Germany and much of central Italy. At first, the Holy Roman Emperors were very powerful, but later they lost power to the smaller German and Italian lords in each region. In the Middle Ages, the dukes and princes  of the empire gained power. The northern states became Protestant in the early 16th Century, while the southern states remained Catholic.

          Clash between Protestants and Catholic 

Protestants and Catholic clashed in the Thirty Year's War (1618—1648). Finally, the war ended with the peace of Westphalia, which is considered  the beginning of the modern nation-state system. 

                         Otto Von Bismarck 

A German Empire was created in 1871 under the leadership of Prussian Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck. Unification was followed by an industrial revolution. By 1900, Germany's economy was by far the largest in Europe, and second only to the US in the world. Germany was declared a republic on 9 November 1918
                     Nazis under Adolf Hitler

In 1933, the Nazis under Adolf Hitler gained power and imposed a totalitarian regime. They followed an expansionist foreign policy that led to World War II.
                            Berlín Wall

 After Nazi Germany's defeat, the country was divided into democratic West Germany and  Communist East Germany. It was reunified in 1990. Germany is a federal parliamentary republic of sixteen states. The capital and largest city is Berlin. In recent years, Germany has become increasingly integrated into the European Union.... 
Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.
                                — Martin Luther King.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

History of the United Kingdom ( From East to West )

The British Isles have a rich history going back thousand of years. The first men and women who arrived in the British lsles were hunters and gathers of food, and used simple stone tools and weapons.

                  Map of the Old England 

Nearly 2000 years ago, the Romans came to Britain and changed the country. Even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads, and baths can be found all over Britain. They established medical practice, and a language of administration and law. Many English words are derived from the Latin launguage of the Romans.

Around AD 410, when the Roman army left, the Anglo-Saxon tribes invaded. In AD 800s, the island was divided among several small Kingdoms. In AD 886, the Anglo-Saxon leader Alfred The Great  united these kingdoms into one nation, which he called Angleland. This would later be changed to  England.
                            Alfred The Great

The Middle Ages in Britain saw some devastation and war. One of the most exciting periods of Britain history was from 1485 to 1603, during the rule of the Tudors, a Welsh-English family. The United Kingdom came into being on 1 May 1707, as a result of the political union of the Kingdom of England ( which included Wales ) and the Kingdom of Scotland.
                            Queen Victoria

 Another period of enormous change was during 1837 to 1901, the reign of Queen  Victoria. Registration of births, marriages and deaths came into practice; Mines Act ended child  labour; and the first post boxes were built.

                          King Edward VII 

Queen Victoria died in 1901 and her son Edward  VII became king. The new century was characterized by a feeling of great optimism.  Things such as motion pictures, automobiles, and  airplanes came into use. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II  as  the head of state. It is governed by a  parliamentary system with its seat of government  in London, its capital... 

“ HEAVEN TAKE THY SOUL, AND ENGLAND KEEP.                           MY BONES! ”
                                      - William Shakespeare.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

History of Russia ( From St. Petersburg to Siberia )

The History of Russia begins around 1200s BC, with the arrival Cimmmerians , normads of Indo-European origin, in what is today called Ukraine. They were defeated by the Scythians, an Iranian tribe.In 200 BC, the Scythians were conquered by the Samaritans bringing Greek and Roman influence that would continue for many centuries. 

In the 800s, the Eastern Slaves were settled in different regions in Russia. The Slavs were an ethnic group that eventually split into the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians.

In 862 , Rurik, a Varangian prince ruled the region which became known as the Land of the Rus. Around 1200, Russia was conquered by the Mongols led by Genghis Khan.
 In 1480, Ivan lll freed Russia from the Mongols. In 1547, Ivan lV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, became the first Tsar. In the 18th century, the principality of Muscovy had become the huge Russian Empire,  Stretching from Poland eastward to the Pacific Ocean.

Successive régimes of the 19th century responded to such pressures with a combination of half- hearted reform and repression. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861. In 1898, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was established by the Marxists.
In 1903, Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks. In the World War I, the Russians fought the Germans and Austrians. But, in 1917, the revolutionaries overthrew the Russian government.

The next year, Czar Nicholas Il and his family were murdered, and Russia became the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic which eventually formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic ( USSAR ).

Russia has existed as a state for over a thousand years, during most of the 20th century Russia was the core of the Soviet Union.

 Russia lost its superpower status as it faced serious challenges in its efforts to forge a new post-soviet political and economic system. Russia today shares much continuity of political culture and social structure with its Tsarist and Soviet past...

“ Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́ ”
                                      — Russian Proverb 

Why Light Bends by Gravity?

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