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Showing posts with label Weird To Hear. Show all posts

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Short Story Of Atomic Bomb with Oppenheimer. { Manhattan Project }

 ðŸ’£  Scientist of the Manhattan Project complete the Atomic Bomb destined to end World War - II :     

In the Movie Oppenheimer shows the Atomic Bomb Explosion.
 ( By Director "Christopher Nolan" ).   

💣  During World War the United States used an unprecedented $2 billion to feed an ultra-secret research and development program, the outcome of which would alter the relationships of nations forever Known as the Manhattan Project, it was the search by the United States and her closest allies to create a practical atomic bomb: a single device capable of mass destruction, the threat of which alone could be powerful enough to end the war.   

" Trinity Test " Atomic Bomb explosion effect.

💣  The motivation was simple. Scientists escaping the Nazi regime had revealed that research in Germany had confirmed the theoretical viability of atomic bombs in 1939, in support of their fears that the Nazis might now be developing such a weapon, Albert Einstein and others wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) warning of the need for atomic research By 1941 FDR had authorized formal, coordinated scientific research into such a device. Among those whose efforts would ultimately unleash the power of the atom was Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), who was appointed the project's scientific director in 1942. Under his direction the famous laboratories at Los Alamos would be constructed and the scientific team assembled.  

Albert Einstein And Robert Oppenheimer ( 1947).

Robert Oppenheimer in Manhattan Project {Theoretical Physicist}.

💣  An atomic bomb initiates a nuclear chain reaction, thereby releasing truly vast amounts of energy. An initial problem was the production of enough "enriched" uranium to sustain such a reaction Instrumental in the solution was Italian physicist " Enrico Fermi "in a former squash court under Chicago University, he and other scientists created the first ever controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. The project ultimately created the first, man-made nuclear explosion, which Oppenheimer called " Trinity ", at Alamagordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945...  


Mushroom like Structure of the Atomic Bomb Blast, Trinity Test, Alamagordo, New Mexico,on July 16, 1945{ Manhattan Project } By Oppenheimer.   

 ðŸ’¥  " The Atomic Bomb Made The Prospect Of Future War Unendurable. It Had Led Us Up Those Last Few Steps To The Mountain Pass; And Beyond There Is A Different Country. "

                                      ———— J. Robert Oppenheimer. ———— 💣       

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Strangest Phenomena in the Universe

 The Strangest phenomena  in the Universe : 

Big Bang evolution.



                           The Universe will end up as totally dead , cold and empty space. Currently this is the most possible way the universe might end ...                                                


                 Everything in the Universe including stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, etc... will be torn apart by the expansion of the Universe...


                          According to the Big Crunch theory, a time will come when Dark Energy will weaken and the Gravitational force will win over Dark Energy due to which the expansion of the Universe will stop and the Universe will start shrinking the whole Universe will be an infinite density point... 



            As the Higgs finding allude to the Universe is likely inherently, unstable, which could make way for a Vaccum meta stability event to occur...



                                💡 There are Three Different Theories of what will happen with our Universe and how it expands:

                                The Big Crunch

                                Continuing Forever 

                                The Big Chill 


                                   A flowing gas of approximately 8,0000 Rubidium atoms cooled to nearly zero degree and held in place by a laser beam.


                               ðŸ’¡ According to some researchers, Life on earth may have evolved in clay and could have been a breeding ground for DNA .

                                💡 Some evidence indicates that Earth's ocean were covered with ice which protected certain compounds and created life .

                                💡 Since electricity can produce Sugar and Amino Acids (protein) from simple atmospheric elements it could have caused the origin of life.



                                  --- RICHARD  P.  FEYNMAN  ---   

Why Light Bends by Gravity?

Introduction to General Relativity: The Equivalence Principle Einstein's theory of General Relativity builds on the Equivalence Principl...