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Showing posts with label Strange to imagine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strange to imagine. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Strangest Phenomena in the Universe

 The Strangest phenomena  in the Universe : 

Big Bang evolution.



                           The Universe will end up as totally dead , cold and empty space. Currently this is the most possible way the universe might end ...                                                


                 Everything in the Universe including stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, etc... will be torn apart by the expansion of the Universe...


                          According to the Big Crunch theory, a time will come when Dark Energy will weaken and the Gravitational force will win over Dark Energy due to which the expansion of the Universe will stop and the Universe will start shrinking the whole Universe will be an infinite density point... 



            As the Higgs finding allude to the Universe is likely inherently, unstable, which could make way for a Vaccum meta stability event to occur...



                                💡 There are Three Different Theories of what will happen with our Universe and how it expands:

                                The Big Crunch

                                Continuing Forever 

                                The Big Chill 


                                   A flowing gas of approximately 8,0000 Rubidium atoms cooled to nearly zero degree and held in place by a laser beam.


                               ðŸ’¡ According to some researchers, Life on earth may have evolved in clay and could have been a breeding ground for DNA .

                                💡 Some evidence indicates that Earth's ocean were covered with ice which protected certain compounds and created life .

                                💡 Since electricity can produce Sugar and Amino Acids (protein) from simple atmospheric elements it could have caused the origin of life.



                                  --- RICHARD  P.  FEYNMAN  ---   

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Strangest Phenomena in Quantum Physics

The Strangest Phenomena in Quantum Physics, Let's go into Imagination:

⚛️   Quantum Physics :

                                         ðŸ’¡   Quantum Physics says that as you go deeper and deeper into the workings of the atom, you see that there is nothing there - just energy waves. It says an atom is actually an invisible force field, a kind of miniature tornado, which emits waves of electrical energy...

Wave Function of Hydrogen Atom.

                 ðŸ’¡ The minimum amount of any physical entity (physical properties) involved in an interaction.

                 ðŸ’¡ The fundamental notion that a physical property can be " quantized is referred to as the hypothesis of quantization ".


                 ðŸ’¡  A Discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.

⚛️   Quantum Superposition :

                                                          The ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured...

Quantum Superposition.

⚛️  Quantum Tunneling :

                                      The ability of a quantum particle to propagate through a potential barrier...

Quantum Tunneling.

⚛️   Quantum Entanglement :

                          The ability of two particles to be linked to each other even if separated by a large distance...

Quantum Entanglement.

⚛️    Quantum Teleportation :

                         The transfer of quantum information almost instantaneously...

Quantum Teleportation.

⚛️    Wave - Particle Duality :

                                                        One of the most perplexing aspects of quantum physics is the wave - particle duality, Which states that particles duality which states that particles like electrons and protons can exhibit both particles - like wave like properties. This  means that they can behave as discrete particles with localized positions, as well as spread out like a waves with superposition and interference effects.

Wave - particle Duality.

⚛️    Uncertainty Principle :

                            The Uncertainty principle, formulated by Werner Heisenberg, states that the more precisely we know the position of a particles, the less precisely we can know its momentum, and  vice versa; This principle places fundamental limits on our ability to simultaneously measure certain pairs of physical properties with atmost accuracy.

Uncertainty Principle.


⚛️    The Ghost Particles :

                          Neutrinos are among the most abundant particles in the universe, and yet are hard to detect. They're similar to electrons, but they have no electrical charge and their mass is almost zero, so they interact very little with normal matter as they stream through the universe at near light - speed. Billions of neutrinos are zipping through your body right now. So they are called as " Ghost Particles ".

⚛️    Some Time Travel Paradoxes Theory :


💡 Bootstrap Paradox :

                                         This is an Hypothetical casual loop in time travel an event generates a second one as a direct cause of the first one...

Bootstrap Paradox.


 ðŸ’¡ Grandfather Paradox :

                             A person who travels through the past and kills his own grandfather, which prevents the time travellers existence...

Grandfather Paradox.


💡  Predestination Paradox :

                             It happens when a person travelling back in time the intention to change the outcome, becomes part of the past event...

Predestination Paradox.


  ðŸ’¡  Polchinski 's Paradox :

                            It's similar to grandfather paradox. It occurs when an initial condition is defined by itself after time travelling...

⚛️  Time Is An Illusion :

                         Time is not linear, it is simultaneous. Everything including the past and future, are all happening right now. Past lives are actually parallel lives. Time is a manmade 3D construct . In higher dimensions, there's no such thing as time because we experience everything happening simultaneously in the now, as one...

⚛️  The  Higgs Boson :

                    The Higgs Boson is th fundamental force - carrying particle of the Higgs field, which is responsible for granting other particles their mass. The Higgs Boson has a mass of 125 billion electron Volts, massive than a proton. The Higgs Boson is the only elementary particle with no spin....

Higgs Boson Particles.

" One Of The Basic Rules Of The Universe Is That Nothing Is Perfect. Perfection Simply Doesn't Exist. "          

                       —  { Stephen W. Hawking }.    

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Monday, June 12, 2023

History of the United States of America.

🇺🇸   The first residents of  what is  today the United States of America immigrated from Asia about 15,000 years ago by crossing Beringia into Alaska. The colonial history of the US began with the subsequent arrival of settlers from Europe.  

17-th Century Map of America.

🇺🇸   The Thirteen British Colonies that would became the original US states, were founded along the east coast beginning in 1607, and grew very rapidly thereafter. By the 1750s, they had achieved a very high standard of living. Men owned their own farms and could vote in elections for the colonial legislatures.

George Washington {1-st President of US}.

🇺🇸   However, the colonists did not have representation in the ruling British government and believed they were being denied their their constitutional rights as Englishmen. 

The First Design of US Flag { Grand Union Flag, 1776 }.

🇺🇸   The Thirteen Colonies began a rebellion against British rule in 1775. Each of the colonies ousted all royal officials and set up their own governments, which were coordinated out of Philadelphia by Continental Congress. 

Declaration of Independence by Founding Fathers of America (1776).

🇺🇸   In January 1776, a man by the name of  Thomas Paine wrote Pamphlet entitled “ Common Sense ”, in which he outlined the reasons that he felt it was time for the colonies to part company with Great Britain, and form their own independent nation. 

Thomas Paine { Author of Common Sense }.

🇺🇸   The Second Continental Congress charged Thomas Jefferson with the responsibility of writing a declaration of independence that would be sent to Great Britain.  

Thomas Jefferson (3-rd President of US).

🇺🇸   On July 4, 1776 this declaration was officially adopted by the Continental Congress. With the ratification of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, the United States of America became a nation state in 1781. These articles stated that each colony was to act as an independent state, and that each had the right to pass laws within their territories.  

American Civil War between the Union and Confederacy { 1861 - 1865 }.


🇺🇸   Only two people, John Hancock and Charles Thomson signed the declaration of Independence on July 4 1776.

Right side - John Hancock ; Left side - Charles Thomson. 

🇺🇸   This new nation was to be headed by a president, rather than a monarch. This President would be elected by the Legislature, which was in turn elected by the people. This type of government is known as a republic....

" America Will Never Be Destroyed From The Outside. If We Falter And Lose Our Freedoms, It Will Be Because We Destroyed Ourselves. 🇺🇸 "

                                  — Abraham Lincoln ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ (1809 - 1865)  

Why Light Bends by Gravity?

Introduction to General Relativity: The Equivalence Principle Einstein's theory of General Relativity builds on the Equivalence Principl...